By Super User on Monday, 31 August 2020
Category: Blog

How to Help Your Overweight Dog

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 60% of cats and 56% of dogs in the United States are considered obese.  

There are a few tell-tale signs that your pet may be obese. For example, you should easily be able to feel and count your dog’s ribs. Additionally, try looking down on your pet from above. You should see an hourglass body shape or some sort of indentation near their midsection. If your pet has some tummy sticking out, this could be a sign that your dog is overweight. And finally, look at your pet from the side. You should see a slight upward slope of the tummy. If the abdomen is hanging low, then your pet is most likely overweight. 


How to Help Your Overweight Pet

Obesity in pets is an important issue and can have negative implications on their health as well as inconveniences and higher costs for you in the long run. Below are some ways to help your overweight pet get into great shape: 





CompleteCare Veterinary Center Can Help Your Obese Dog

If your pet is suffering from obesity and you need advice, contact us at CompleteCare Veterinary Center in the Staten Island, NY area.