By Super User on Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Category: Blog

How to Get Your Pup to Eat Their Pills

While we humans can readily swallow a bitter pill if it means bolstering our health, our canine friends can sometimes not be as willing. Some pups may be compliant and eat whatever you offer them, but others may put up such a fight that you struggle each and every time. Stay tuned to learn three helpful tips for getting your pup to eat their pills like a pro. 


It can be disheartening when we have to medicate our pets, seeing them go through a time of illness or suffering can be emotionally devastating. But as responsible pet parents, it’s up to us to give our dogs the medicine they need to maintain a healthy and happy life for as long as possible.


Here three helpful tips that assist your ability to deliver your dog’s medication without a hitch:





Complete Care Veterinary Center is Here to Help Guide Your Pup to Wellness

Complete Care Veterinary Center is here to help you and your canine companion enjoy the best life you two can. Our compassionate and caring staff always love to welcome new patients to our family, and are happy to answer any pressing questions you may have about your dog’s health. For more information about our wellness exams, please call or visit us today for more information.